Kate Middleton heartbreak: Prince William’s wife ‘upset’ Meghan Markle is not visiting her next month?

kate-middleton-heartbreak-prince-williams-wife-upset-meghan-markle-is-not-visiting-her-next-month LONDON, ENGLAND - OCTOBER 30: Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge arrives at Basildon Sporting Village on October 30, 2018 in London, England. (Photo by Tim P. Whitby/Tim P. Whitby/Getty Images)

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have no plans to visit Prince William and Kate Middleton during their upcoming trip to the United Kingdom.

Now, according to a source for Closer UK, Middleton is angry about Markle’s choice not to see her because she was looking forward to a face-to-face conversation with her.

The tipster said:

“Kate had been tentatively looking forward to meeting up with Meghan when she and Harry came to England. She wanted to be the bigger person and extend that olive branch because she feels all this ugliness of ignoring one another has gone on for long enough.”

According to the source, Middleton has not forgiven Markle for the things she said about him. However, she wanted to extend an olive branch to Prince William and Prince Harry to help mend their friendship.

The informant added:

“It’s Harry’s birthday soon, and she wanted to maybe make that a way of getting them all together and giving gifts. She knows that patching things up and ending the bad blood would be better for both sets of families and of course, the monarchy as a whole.”

A source for the Sussexes, however, emphasized that their travel to the United Kingdom is for professional purposes and not to mend fences with the royal family.

The tattler went on:

“This trip is not about them or rebuilding relationships, it’s about her and Harry’s charity work, and she doesn’t want anything overshadowing that. Meghan wants to do things on her terms and won’t be dictated to.”

However, the tabloid’s allegations should be taken with a grain of salt. There is currently no evidence that Middleton wants Markle to visit her while she’s in the United Kingdom.

In fact, Prince William and Middleton do not intend to visit the Sussexes during their official engagement in the United States.

As stated by the second source, the abroad excursions are for business purposes and not family reunions.

According to appearances, the tabloid fabricated this tale regarding Middleton and Markle to make it appear as though they are willing to bury the hatchet for the benefit of their relationship. However, it appears that the sisters-in-law do not care about each other’s rights because they are not particularly close.