‘Today’s Webtoon’ Episode 7 spoilers: Here’s why On Ma Eum became protective over Sin Dae Ryug


Work becomes difficult for Kim Sejeong. As she improves her efficiency as a webtoon producer, she hits another snag that makes her doubt herself even more. Here’s what happened in “Today’s Webtoon” Episode 7.

On Ma Eum (Kim Sejeong), in “Today’s Webtoon” Episode 7, gives Sin Dae Ryug some exciting news (Kim Do Hoon). He’s finally one of the candidates who will make his Neon debut as an artist after putting in the time and effort.

Sin Dae Ryug works as an assistant to best-selling webtoon author Baek Eo Jin (Kim Kap Soo) and has been anticipating this day for quite some time.

Because of On Ma Eum’s invaluable assistance, he regards her as a webtoon goddess who shaped him into the man he is today. Meanwhile, Im Dong Hee (Baek Suk Kwang), Baek Eo Jin’s 10-year assistant, is envious of Sin Dae Ryug’s success at such a young age.

Im Dong Hee, frustrated that he has yet to make his debut after ten years, seeks assistance from On Ma Eum. He approaches her for feedback and suggestions on how to improve his webtoons, as he consistently loses every competition he enters.

Im Dong Hee believes that with On Ma Eum’s assistance, he can become Sin Dae Ryug. Goo Joon Young (Nam Yoon Su), on the other hand, assists the webtoon servicing team in remaining on the company’s main page, attracting more viewers.

He also tries his hand at being a proper webtoon producer to a novice artist.

Im Dong Hee’s jealousy becomes uncontrollable in “Today’s Webtoon” Episode 7. When he checks Sin Dae Ryug’s work, he feels something he’s never felt before, even when reading his own work.

Because of his insecurity, he smashes his laptop and breaks it enough that he cannot retrieve his years’ worth of files.

On Ma Eum rushes to the studio after hearing the news and checks on her artist. She realizes she duped Im Dong Hee into believing he could become a published webtoon artist.

When Im Dong Hee meets her, he tells her that despite being an assistant for ten years, he is going to stop drawing webtoons.

He promises to stop dreaming and instead pursue a new one in his simple life in the countryside. On Ma Eum, concerned, stops him.

She then recalls her father, who is disappointed in her after she abandons her dream of becoming an Olympic medalist in Judo, her first love for 15 years.

On Ma Eum then assists Sin Dae Ryug in recovering his missing files and encourages him to redraw the remaining sections of his webtoon.

Im Dong Hee also bids farewell to Sin Dae Ryug, telling him that he is one of the most talented artists he has ever met.