Is Prince Harry the real father of Archie? Meghan Markle’s husband reportedly had doubts

is-prince-harry-the-real-father-of-archie-meghan-markles-husband-reportedly-had-doubts CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA - SEPTEMBER 25: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex and their baby son Archie Mountbatten-Windsor at a meeting with Archbishop Desmond Tutu at the Desmond & Leah Tutu Legacy Foundation during their royal tour of South Africa on September 25, 2019 in Cape Town, South Africa. (Photo by Toby Melville - Pool/Getty Images)

Last year, Prince Harry apparently underwent two DNA tests to ascertain whether Archie is his legitimate son.

The tests, according to Globe, yielded two distinct outcomes. Archie’s real father is not Prince Harry, according to the first DNA test.

An unnamed source said:

“In the days leading up to Prince Harry’s wife, Meghan, giving birth, the couple was stunned to learn a DNA test using amniotic fluid, routinely performed on royal babies, revealed the redhead is NOT the child’s daddy.”

According to the insider, Prince Harry was upset by the test results and refused to accept them. The Duke of Sussex apparently turned a horrible shade of white, while Markle fell into tears in disbelief.

An enraged Prince Harry is said to have labeled the first DNA test a sham. He further accused those who gave the test of hatching a plot against him and his child.

The Duke of Sussex does not want Archie to face the same difficulties that he has had his entire life. For years, rumors have circulated that Prince Charles is not Prince Harry’s father.

Prince Harry conducted a second DNA test to relieve his mind. He discovered that Markle’s unborn kid is indeed his after receiving the findings. Members of the royal family, however, remain skeptical that Markle’s kid is also Prince Harry’s son.

At the time, Gossip Cop refuted the tabloid’s assertions. The narrative was labeled fictional by the newspaper. They also stated that it is highly improbable that Prince Harry is not Archie’s father.