Jason Lyon to push Affordable Housing And Preservation on Pasadena City Council


On Wednesday, Councilmember Elect Jason Lyon revealed the issues he plans to champion when he is sworn in this December.

He said:

“The issues I am most focused on are the same ones we talked about during the campaign: balancing our need for housing that is affordable at every income level with the desire to manage development, so we preserve the character of our city; helping our unhoused neighbours to find permanent housing solutions, and making Pasadena more environmentally sustainable.”

Jason Lyon added:

“I would add to that two issues that didn’t come up as often during the campaign: the need for long-term, creative solutions to our economic problems with the Rose Bowl, and facilitating a robust public conversation about how to make the best use of the newly reclaimed 710 stub.”

Lyon defeated Cira Hadjian and Allen Shay to win the seat vacated by Vice Mayor Andy Wilson, who chose not to run for reelection.

“While all of these areas need immediate attention, I think the first priority for me will be to work with my colleagues on the Council, along with the City Manager and the Planning Department, to come up with a comprehensive adaptive reuse ordinance that allows conversion of commercial and industrial spaces to residential use. I would also like to see us institute a citywide tree-planting initiative in honor of Councilmember Kennedy, who was committed to ‘greening’ Pasadena.”

Jason Lyon joined the board of directors of Young & Healthy, a nonprofit dedicated to providing Pasadena’s uninsured and underserved children with access to high-quality health care at no cost to their families, after relocating permanently in 2010.

He was president for two years, during which time he oversaw the creation of a fund to ensure the organization’s long-term financial security.

In 2016, Lyon was elected to the vestry of All Saints Church and appointed as its senior lay leader.

He oversaw the parish’s transition from retiring rector Ed Bacon to Mike Kinman in that capacity.

Jason Lyon joined the board of the San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership in 2018, which works to improve the region’s economic vitality and quality of life.

He accepted a position on the board of Planned Parenthood Pasadena San Gabriel Valley, which provides equitable access to sexual and reproductive health care, including trans care, the same year.

In 2017, Lyon was appointed to Pasadena’s Historic Preservation Commission. During his tenure on the commission, he worked on updating the city’s ordinance that restricts the demolition of historic homes.

Jason Lyon was appointed to the Planning Commission by Councilmember Andy Wilson in 2019. Jason is currently the Vice Chair of the Planning Commission as well as the Board of Zoning Appeals.

Lyon stated:

“I believe leadership is all about service so that you can expect candour, a commitment to meaningful public engagement in city decision-making, and responsiveness to constituents’ needs in the district.”