How can you get your hands on VIP tickets?

how-can-you-get-your-hands-on-vip-tickets cottonbro/Pexels

When you’re a big fan of music, you’d be willing to give it your best shot to attend any and every live music concert! And when it’s your favorite band or artist, you wouldn’t want to miss out on it for the world! Well, you might already be a pro at attending these concerts.

However, how often do you go for VIP tickets? Sure, these might be a tad more expensive than general tickets. But if you’re lucky, you’ll get them at the best deals! Isn’t that wonderful? So, if you’re ready to elevate your whole concert-going experience, here’s what you need to know on how to get your hands on VIP tickets by visiting

1. Becoming A Fan Club Member

If you want to be among the elite fans that get all kinds of information and access to events firsthand, go ahead and join a fan club! Sure, it might cost you some money to do so, but you wouldn’t want to miss out on the chance, would you? Apart from getting your hands on presale tickets, you might also stand a chance at securing VIP packages, VIP tickets, and more!

2. Researching Online

Nothing comes easy in this world, including VIP tickets. If you want to buy these tickets at the best rates, you need to conduct research. This means finding the best and most reliable ticketing websites online. Once you have made up your mind on the trusted website or websites, you can compare prices or even look for amazing deals and offers.

3. Contacting The Venue

There are instances where some venues might not offer VIP tickets and packages. So, in order to be sure about it, the best way is to contact the venue directly. This way, you can get first-hand information about these tickets. Not only that but you’ll also be pointed in the direction where you can get your hands on VIP tickets, especially if there’s a third-party involved.

4. Tuning To The Radio

If you don’t already know, some radio stations conduct give-away contests for concert tickets, including VIP tickets. Of course, it purely depends on luck to be able to secure the same. However, there’s completely no harm in trying, is there? Moreover, it won’t cost you a single penny to try your luck! All you need to do is find out the contest schedule of these radio stations. You can do so by visiting the different station websites online to look for information.

5. Don’t Forget Social Media

If you’re an active social media user, you can take full advantage of it. All you need to do is follow the websites of ticket retailers and their social media. This way, you can keep yourself updated on all the latest information for VIP tickets.

When it comes to certain contests for winning these tickets, you could also be among the first ones to know about the rules and regulations. Not only that, but you might even be increasing your chance at winning the contest and securing free VIP tickets!

6. Leaving Money Aside

As you already know, VIP tickets cost quite an amount of money. As such, some of these tickets might cost you about $1,000 or more. The last thing you want is to tirelessly look for VIP tickets, only to be short of money!

Unless you want to face such a situation, make sure to keep some money aside for your VIP tickets. Also, it’ll help if you plan ahead to ensure how long and how much you have to save.

7. Familiarizing Yourself With Ticketing Websites

You don’t think you’re among the few people looking for VIP tickets, do you? Well, you’d be surprised by how these tickets sell out quickly, just like general admission tickets. So, if you don’t want to miss out on the chance to elevate your concert experience, ensure to make yourself familiar with the different ticket websites.

This means opening accounts with trusted websites to ensure a faster and easier checkout. You could also go ahead and practice buying VIP tickets from these websites. The reason is that most vendors might allot only you only a limited amount of time for purchasing VIP tickets. So, it’ll be in your safest and best interest to go for a practice run before the day happens.

8. Knowing When Tickets Go Live

If your sole focus is to purchase VIP tickets for your favorite artist or band’s live show, you need to give your heart and soul to it. This means knowing the exact day and time when you can get your hands on these tickets.

If you’re not a fan club member, this means you’ll have to look for VIP tickets during general sales. The pressure is real during major events, so you need to be ready to do whatever it takes!

It’ll help if you log in to the website minutes before sales begin, have different tabs open, or have your friends look out for these VIP tickets, too. The more hands you have on deck, the higher your chances are at securing them.


So, these are the few tips you can keep in mind if you want to book VIP tickets for a major concert that you’ve been waiting for. Remember that you can always sign up as a fan club member of the artist or venue to access the presale code.

This way, you might stand a chance to secure VIP tickets. However, if for some reason, you’re too late, don’t fret. Just ensure that you keep these tips in mind. Who knows, you might find yourself seated in the best seats at the arena as you enjoy a great spectacle!

Don’t wait until the last minute to book your VIP tickets, even if that means booking them months ahead! These tickets will be selling out quickly, especially when the artist or and is world-famous. The last thing you want is to be missing out on the greatest opportunity of your life by just a few seconds!