Top Instagram celebrities do these things

top-instagram-celebrities-do-these-things Cristian/Pexels

Do you want to become one of the top Instagram users in your space? Are you on the right track, but wondering which steps you can take to accelerate your growth? Are you wondering what other people are doing that you may be able to duplicate?

Let’s face it: it’s not easy to become a top Instagram user, regardless of your niche. Even if you know what you’re doing, there are other factors that come into play. Fortunately, when you have a strategy you can rely on and trust, it’s easier to see yourself inching closer and closer to the top.

One of the best ways to grow your Instagram following is to buy followers. And this means one thing: finding the easiest way to buy genuine Instagram followers. Once you find a service you can trust, time and time again, you can rely on them to give your account a boost when you need it the most.

While buying followers is something that many top Instagram users are doing, that’s just the start. Here are some other things they’re doing, many of which you may be able to integrate into the way you use Instagram:

1. Post at a Consistent Rate

If you want to become a top Instagram user, you need to act like a top Instagram user. While this means something different to everyone, depending on your niche and what you want to accomplish, posting consistently is something that should never change.

The rate at which you post doesn’t have to be the same as the next person. Even if you don’t post as much content as the top players in your industry, you can join them as long as you take the right approach.

Experiment with different posting schedules with the idea of finding the one that’s best for you. It’ll take some trial and error to narrow down your options, but you should eventually find something that suits your style.

For example, you may begin by posting once per day, but soon enough you could come to find that two or more times is the way to go. As long as you are consistent, your audience will know what to expect. And when they know what to expect, it goes a long way in helping you build your audience.

2. Vary the Type of Content they Share

It’s easy to fall into the trap of posting the same type of content, day after day. For instance, if you’re always posting selfies and people seem to like them, you may continue doing so well into the future.

And while it’s okay to go with what works, you don’t want to forget to vary your content when possible. This is what keeps your audience engaged, as they never know what they’re going to find when they visit your page.

Even if a particular type of photo falls flat, at least you gave it a try. You’ll now know that it didn’t work so you can try something different the next time around.

3. Answer Comments When Possible

If you’re going to answer Instagram comments, you’ll need to find enough time in your day to do so. Just the same, it probably makes sense to look into ways that you can check this throughout the day, as you want to engage with your audience as soon as possible. According to ViralRace, this is what gets them excited. It’s also what keeps them around for more.

There are many ways to engage with your audience, but answering comments is definitely one of the best. Take the time to do this as often as possible, even as your account grows. It’s something that really makes people happy, and that’s what you’re going for.

4. Engage With Others in their Niche

Even though the top Instagram users don’t always do this after making it big, you should take it to heart. The more you engage with users in your niche, the more success you’ll have. You can use an Instagram bot to automate this process.

Not only do these people take notice, which could bring them to engage with you and repost your content, but it also shows others in the space that you’re around. In other words, you want to get your name out there in as many places as possible. And there is no better way than by commenting on photos.

Yes, it takes time to engage with other users in your niche, but that shouldn’t stop you from doing it. If you’re serious about growing your Instagram account, you need to show others that you’re around – and that you’re going to be around for a very long time.

5. Take Cues from the Competition

One of the keys to Instagram success is being yourself. You don’t want to show people what they have already seen. Make sure your account is as unique as possible.

Even though you want to take a unique approach, you can still learn a lot by taking cues from the competition. Even if you are in a relatively underserved niche, it’s safe to assume there are a few brands and individuals you can turn to for inspiration. And once you see what they are and aren’t doing, you can decide how to proceed.

It never hurts to learn from those who are already doing big things on Instagram. If you add their strategy to yours, you’re in a better position to reach your goals.

Final Thoughts

No two Instagram users take the exact same approach, but that doesn’t mean you can’t learn from others. When you combine the knowledge that you gather with your personal approach, you’ll like what you see. And when you like what you see, you’ll realize that you’re able to confidently proceed with your plan.

What do the top Instagram users in your space do to make progress? Are you impressed with their strategies? Is there anything you can learn from them? Share your thoughts on Instagram growth and related subject matter in the comment section below.